Your Personality and Soul


Your Higher Purpose


A Nurturing Home


Your Full Potential

Welcome to!

If you are seeking to take the next step along the path of your spiritual journey, exploring alternative holistic methods for overcoming anxieties and life's obstacles, raising your personal vibration, overcoming the limits held by your subconscious mind, or simply a bit of soul-centered guidance - then you have come to the right place.
A personal journey can get tough without having the proper support during times of everything shifting so rapidly on our planet. It is not uncommon for even the strongest of hearts to find themselves feeling misunderstood, alone, and uncertain about what can assist them in going forward as they've hit the ceiling of all of their previously used methods. I invite you to explore my site and discover that there is something alternative available for anyone seeking to go further while feeling supported - products, services, and personal recommendations.
Light and blessings to you as you explore your individual yet very special and sacred path,

Now let's talk about planning ahead a bit...

... and before we all run off pulling our hair this spring (between the dates of August 5th - 25th, plus about a week before and after), I am here to remind you that YOU are the constant creator and re-creator of your reality. You get to decide how to make each retrograde period work for you.

So yes it is true that the transits can be tough for all, but what is more important to remember is that they come around to assist us in unloading our baggage. They are a time to re-vise, re-visit, re-assess, and re-unite. A time to communicate what has been swept under the rugs for way too long. A time to set free what no longer serves you, and to come closer to your personal Zen.

It is my deepest intention that you will use the guide above as a tool of empowerment, and as an assistant for rising above the collective outlook of being a victim to the circumstances during this challenging time. Please feel welcome to share your discoveries with me, and to forward this guide to anyone who may also need a little bit of extra support and guidance.

Thank you for stepping further into your power !

Free Mercury Retro-Zen Guide

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