Red Envelope Tradition

The Red Envelope Tradition comes from BTB Feng Shui and has been passed down for millennia generation after generation.
This process honors and facilitates the BTB (Black Hat Sect Tantric Buddhism) tradition of exchanging energy and sacred information, as well as allows blessings and miracles to take place for the client.
The Red Envelope Tradition makes sure that the ego is completely taken out of the process, and that all the work is facilitated between the practitioner’s and client’s Higher Selves and/or Spirit Guide Teams. In more detail, this gives the practitioner, also known as the “cure giver” permission to enter into the transcendental realm and act on your behalf, making a petition
for the changes you are requesting in your life.
Energetically the red envelopes protect the “giver” and the receiver of the cures, as well as
keeping the karma between both parties clear and unmerged.
What is needed: 9, 18, or 27 red envelopes with a $1 in each prepared by the client to have ready in time for the session. 
If the session is over phone or Skype, the envelopes need to arrive to the practitioner before the scheduled session date, or the appointment time will have to be rescheduled.
The red envelopes can be of any size or shade of red.
They can be purchased on Amazon, in Chinatown, or even an office supply store.
The style of the envelopes does not matter, only the color and the intention.
After the consultation: your consultant will bless the envelopes, sleep on them overnight, and bless them one more time in the morning. This will spiritually activate all of the intentions and blessings discussed during your consultation.