Bach Flower Remedies


The Bach Flower Remedies are a completely holistic, side-effect free system that was created in 1930’s by Dr. Edward Bach. Dr Bach left his successful practice as a bacteriologist and immunologist as he believed that all illness comes from states of disharmony such as fears, anxieties, sadness, and other low vibrations. He went on to develop this system of healing which works at the deepest level by bridging our gaps between the Personality and Higher Self. This helps us align our moods, emotions, feelings, patterns, and physical manifestations.
Bach Remedies work energetically at the spiritual root of troubles. The only tangible ingredient in the personalized mix is a small trace of alcohol (less than 1%) which was used to preserve the mother tinctures and prevent the essences from evaporating. The mix itself contains no particles of the actual flowers, and because of this you never have to worry about overdosing or using too much of any particular remedy. If a flower is not needed – it will simply have zero impact. The remedies only carry the energetic properties of the flowers which are attained by one of two methods: twig-boiling or sun-infusion at the Bach Centre in England.
The focus of healing with flower remedies is to make sure to treat the cause instead of the effect from an energetic perspective. Everything in our lives is a form of a frequency which includes our moods, feelings, and emotions. As spiritual beings we are in a constant state of attracting people, places, things, and states of physical heath of the same exact vibration that we carry at any given moment. Therefore, by aligning the distorted emotions and patterns within us, we effortlessly begin to attract greater outcomes around us, as well as better states of physical health. When this is done the Soul no longer has a need to replay an unpleasant reality as a reminder and signal to heal something that has been long overdue.
In total here are 38 flowers within this system. Typically, 7-9 flowers are used in one mix to peel one layer - layer by layer, as we are constantly growing, shifting, and evolving. For best results the remedies are taken orally a few times a day. As an alternative they can be applied to pulse points or added to food and drinks. The remedies are safe to use for everyone in the family – adults, children, pets, and even plants!
To learn more about the remedies or how to get started with your own healing process, please contact Zhanna.