Ascension Coaching Guidance: Ascension coaching is a perfect option for anyone who is seeking soul-oriented guidance to improve the quality of their human experience. For some this may mean reducing stress and anxiety for everyday life, for others it is about overcoming stubborn obstacles to achieve life-long goals. No matter what your personal plan is, the recommendations are tailored to your needs at this time in your life with the intentions of taking you higher.

For any client, this coaching style focuses on taking what the you want to achieve in life, digging for the subconscious blocks which are preventing these dreams from manifesting, and putting together a personalized “treatment plan” of holistic and alternative tools.

The main tool that comes with every session is a personalized Bach Flower Remedy. Bach Remedies are side-effect free, typically taken orally a few times daily, and can be pared with anything. They differ from oils as they work on a very deep vibrational level, harmonizing the relationship between the Personality and the Higher Self. They can help balance any mood or personality issue from fear, to procrastination, to sadness, and so on. Click here to read more.

Other recommended methods vary between hypnotherapy, Therapeutic Imagery an guided meditations, journaling, specific crystal recommendations, addressing which chakras need to be worked on, tangible lifestyle change suggestions, and anything else which may intuitively come through during the session. Sessions are available anywhere in the world, and are held remotely via Zoom.



BTB Feng Shui: Feng Shui is a method which has been used for thousands of years to help bring the energy of any space to harmony. There are many different schools of Feng Shui, and BTB is used specifically as spiritual therapy and alignment for your home at the deepest level in areas of wealth, career, relationships, personal health, and more. BTB is less focused on aesthetics than some other schools of thought, making it more compatible with diverse interior styles to be integrated with the client’s current interior choices.

Before the process, the client’s history of issues is carefully reviewed. After a thorough assessment of goals, history, and current floorplan - all the blocks are found and corrected in the home with the use of cures such as mirrors, crystals, water fountains, and more. Each cure is used transcendentally - meaning that they get programmed to shift the energy of pre-existing issues with very specific intentions and spiritual approaches. After the consultation, all adjustments are blessed by the practitioner on the client’s behalf by allowing the client’s Higher Self participate in the process.

All on-site Feng Shui consultations include a space clearing, and a coaching session with a Bach Remedy. Consultations are available on site, or via Zoom. The client is asked to please honor the Red Envelope Tradition for all sessions to keep the ego completely out of the process, help strengthen the chances of outcomes, protect the space energetically, and activate the guidance on the spiritual level. Please click here for more information about this tradition.



Please email Zhanna directly for rates or
to schedule your free 30-minute discovery call to see
which option would be most fitting for your needs at this time in your life!