Make sure you clean/clear your crystals after you first purchase/receive them. Even if your crystals were cleared and energetically charged, it is still a good practice to clear them from any potential rough energy picked up while they were sitting out.
After your crystal is cleared, it’s best to take 5-10 minutes to attune to its frequency. This will create a personal bond between you and your crystal. Or in other words - you get to become friends! Sit quietly and hold the crystal in your receptive hand (not the one you write with), or between your palms and observe what feelings it brings up for you. After this, you can read up on it and see what healing qualities it is known for.
You can dedicate and program your crystals (talk to them) and ask them to help you carry out a specific intention.
Daily uses:
  • Carry crystals with you throughout the day to allow your personal frequency to rise and match the crystal
  • Wear on receptive side to receive (left if you are right-handed & vice versa)
  • Wear on dominant side to give off the type of energy the crystal is intended for, or with grounding  stones in particular to anchor and ground yourself (right if you are right-handed & vice versa)
  • Place them on corresponding chakras during meditations
  • Keep calming/sleep inducing/pale crystals under your pillow
  • Place them in different areas of your home to uplift the vibration of the space
  • Use your intuition and have fun!
As the crystals heal you, they absorb your and your environment’s lower vibrations.
This is why it is very important to clear them periodically (with the exception of a few).
If you carry crystals with you for a full day/ keep with you all night - clear them at the end of the day/night use.
If you use them daily for 10 min - hour, then you can clear them once a month/every few weeks.
Always follow your intuition if a crystal feels like it needs to be cleared more frequently than advised.
Always clear the crystals after using them during periods of high stress.
Please do not let other people touch/handle your crystals as crystals can pick up the energies from anyone who handles them.
The most common crystal clearing method is soaking the crystals in salt water overnight. However, some crystals can be damaged from this method and I personally recommend having a designated bowl/container of raw organic brown rice and sticking them in the bowl for 1-12 hours. The rice should be replaced every couple of months. Please don’t cook this rice after as it has absorbed negative energies from clearing the crystals. Tie it up and throw it away.
To charge your crystals, sit them out during a full moon to absorb the moon’s energy or place them on a Selenite log/plate.
Your yellow, red, and orange crystals can be charged in the sunlight, however please be careful if  you want to use this method for your other crystals, as the sunlight can be damaging and will strip them of color.
If you have any question or inquiries, please contact Zhanna directly.
Light and Blessings to you and your crystals!