Multidimensional Feng Shui
Multidimensional Feng Shui

Multidimensional Feng Shui

Regular price $900.00

Feng Shui is a method used for thousands of years to help bring the energy of any space to harmony.
There are many different schools of Feng Shui, and our Multidimensional approach takes roots in a school of thought called BTB. BTB is esoteric in nature, and is used specifically as spiritual therapy and alignment for your home at the deepest level in areas of wealth, career, relationships, personal health, and more.
This approach is less focused on aesthetics than some other schools of thought, making it more compatible with diverse interior styles to be integrated with the client’s current interior choices.
Before the process, the client’s history of issues is carefully reviewed. After a thorough assessment of goals, history, and current floor
plan - all the blocks are found and corrected in the home with the use of cures such as mirrors, crystals, water fountains, and more.
Each cure is used transcendentally - meaning that they get programmed to shift the energy of pre-existing issues with very specific
intentions and spiritual approaches.
After the consultation, all adjustments are blessed by the practitioner on the client’s behalf by allowing the client’s Higher Self
participate in the process. As needed, on-site Feng Shui consultations include a space clearing, and a Bach Flower Remedy for the
client to assist with assimilating newly shifted energies. Consultations are available on site, or via Skype, and consist of a minimum* of
one extensive initial consultation, and one 1-hour follow-up about a month later.


*The pricing listed reflects the deposit for the first 4 hours on day 1, and the first hour of services on day 2. Additional services within the same day are billed at the rate of $100/hr.

For in-person availability, please contact Zhanna directly to coordinate time and potential travel fees if you reside in an area further than 30 miles away from zip codes 19116 or 10469.

Please Note: for all Feng Shui related consultations, the client is asked to please honor the Red Envelope Tradition to allow spiritual intervention to take place. Prior to the date of the consultation, please prepare 27 Red Envelopes with a $1 in each to exchange with the practitioner for the spiritual activation of the recommended cures, and energetic protection of the process. Please see the graphic for further information about this tradition.